Mood visuals and videos by Luhrmann, with accompanying soundtracks, created commentary and contrast, leading viewers from room to room through a series of vitrines and display windows.
Technical Integration Challenges
Sometimes the most subtle elements are the most challenging. For this show, it was how to project video on the walls behind the costumed mannequins without projecting on the costumes. Rear projection was not an option in the space, so meeting the designers’ vision called for ultra-short throw projectors – which are great for short fields, but not designed for theatrical effects. So we created new ways to manipulate the projectors, producing large-scale, edge-blended projections well beyond current specifications. We used 30 ultra-narrow bezel 55″ LCD monitors to build two video walls and another 11 individual 55″ monitors as portrait displays mounted behind custom costume vitrines. At no point could more than 7 foot-candles of light fall directly on any costume.
Sound separation
The acoustics of the galleries presented other challenges. The creative vision called for multiple soundtracks to match the projections in close proximity to one another — in a room made entirely of highly reflective hard surfaces. We worked with Brown Innovation who custom designed focused arrays to provide separation for the audio tracks.